Independence for refugee women

We teach women in refugee camps how to make herbal products so they can support themselves.

What we do

We teach women in refugee camps to make herbal products for their own use and to earn income. We train women refugee leaders to teach our workshops in their communities.

Our projects

We run a project in the Palabek refugee settlement in Uganda in collaboration with the UNHCR Uganda. We also ran a project for 12 months in three refugee camps in Kurdistan Iraq.

The workshops

Women learn by doing in our workshops, and they keep all of the products that they make. Products are chosen by the women based on their needs – for example, remedies for pain, burns and wounds. 702 women have benefitted in 2023-2024.


The Uganda project

Helping Herbs is collaborating with the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) on five simultaneous projects:

  • Workshops led by a clinical herbalist on creating herbal products
  • Train leaders in the community to run their own community workshops
  • Create an Herbal data bank with and for the community
  • Add value to existing herbal products produced by beekeepers
  • Making natural mosquito repellents to combat malaria, which accounts for 44% of all illnesses in the region


Terrific course!

Bahar Mirza lives in the Esyan refugee camp in Kurdistan. She is 47 years old. She grew up in Sinjar district in Iraq but the ISIS invasion in 2014 forced her to flee along with her family. She spends her days taking care of household work and tending a number of sheep she owns. This is what Bahar has to say about the ointment course of Anna Rósa:  „To me it was absolutely terrific. Something I had never experienced before. On top of that I could keep the ointment we made. I love this ointment.“


Impact in Kurdistan Iraq

  • 652 women in three refugee camps attended our workshops.
  • 687 herbal products provided by Helping Herbs, including remedies for pain, burns and wounds. 

Every woman matters

You can change the life of women in the refugee camps by enabling them to get an education.


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