How did it start?
When Anna Rósa first got the idea to teach women in refugee camps herbal medicine she didn´t dare tell anybody. How weird is it to want to work in a place you have zero connections and you have never been to. Since then a lot has happened.
About Anna Rósa
Anna Rósa, our founder and clinical herbalist, studied herbal medicine in Britain for four years. She has run her own consultation and lectured on the healing power of Icelandic herbs for more than 30 years as well as running her own skincare company. On top of that, she has published a popular book on Icelandic medicinal herbs and created an online course on the same subject. She makes over a hundred products manually and handpicks her herbs in pure Icelandic nature. She channels profit from all her products into Helping Herbs.
Here you can also watch a short film of Anna Rósa working as a herbalist in Iceland.