You can also donate directly via bank transfer or set up a monthly standard order:
IBAN Number: IS770537260128366407230410
Account name: Lifgros (Helping Herbs)
Account address: Langholtsvegur 109, 104 Reykjavik Iceland
Bank name and address: Islandsbanki, Hagasmara 3, 201 Kopavogur Iceland
This is Eman
Eman is a local woman who is training to be a clinical herbalist. She teaches the herbal workshops when Anna Rósa is not there. She has a university degree in English and has extensive experience in working in the refugee camps. Currently she is working part-time for Helping Herbs while we fundraise for a full-time salary for her. We must secure funding for her salary for one year so we can keep this project going.
This is Bashar
Bashar is our driver. He has a university degree in computer science. In Iraq there is no public transport system and the only way to go to the refugee camps is by using private transport. The roads are unsafe so it’s essential to have an experienced driver like Bashar to drive Eman to the refugee camps. We need to secure funds for Bashar full-time salary for one year.
Our corporate partners
We are very grateful to the companies and funds that support us, without you we can do nothing. Contact us to discover the sponsor benefits we offer.
Avicenna Herbs
PMT límmiðar
Your money matters
Staff members in Kurdistan are ensured a living wage. On the other hand, none of the board members or herbalists traveling to Iraq are paid salaries. You can be assured that your donation is going to Kurdistan.
We are very grateful
Individual sponsors mean a lot to us too. If you want to become a sponsor but prefer to remain anonymous just contact us.
Individual sponsors
Agnieszka Szczodrowska
Ágústa Halldórsdóttir
Anita Ralph
Árný Jóna Jóhannesdóttir
Bevin Clare
Björk Þorsteinsdóttir
Bryndís Guðrún Róbertsdóttir
Bryndís Sigmundsdóttir
Davíð Helgi Andrésson
DeAnne Howlsey
Elizabeth Nunberg
Eyrún Ingadóttir
Greta Marín Pálmadóttir
Guðrún Bergmann
Guðrún Lilja Þorsteinsdóttir
Guðveig Einarsdóttir
Gunna Lára Pálmadóttir
Hildur Ragna Kristjánsdóttir
Hildur Ragnars
Hrönn Greipsdóttir
Ingibjörg Birna Ólafsdóttir
Joe Nasr
Jóhanna Gunnarsdóttir
Kathryn Thomas
Kristín Einarsdóttir
Margrét Jóhannsdóttir
Sheila Kingsbury
Shelagh Smith
Sigrún Sæmundsen
Sigurjón Stefánsson
Sigþrúður Jónasdóttir
Skúli Sæland
Sonia Kosak
Valgerður Þorvaldsdóttir
Vin Þorsteinsdóttir